#1. Village Ikseon-Dong, Aerial view (day).

PRELAP: The voices of a violent argument, as if we heard it from here:

~ (suffering crescendo) AaAahhh.... AAaAHHhh... AAAhAAHHHHhh...
~ (complaints, tears) ahhh... Aagh... gahhh...

#2. Lee Seol's Bookstore (day).

- (shaking with convulsions) You don't KNOW AND...
(screams even louder) ... I CAN'T UNDERSTAAAAAAND ???!!!!
- (desperate cry) THIS IS THE TRUTH!!! Even if I don't understand IIIIT !!!

The horizon seems to shift, like Gong Yu's mind losing all sanity.

(clenched teeth, brandishes pen like a dagger)
- !!!! (sees death coming)

A moment of motionless terror, as Gong Yu prepares to stab Lee Seol, and...

(TshoK!! stabs the pen on the counter!)
- AhaAahAhhh... (about to faint)

Gong Yu violently shakes Lee Seol by the shoulders...

- (yells at her) You crazy psycho!!
Fucking dangerous girl. Totally insane!!
- (shaken) Awaarahh... Boo-hoo...
- Do you have a death wish?!!
Are you trying to turn me into a murderer?!!!
- (shaken, pleading) Awhahh... no... no... Boo-hoo-hoo...
- YOU, and your damn BOOKS, are the ultimate soiling of this place.
- (shaken) stop... please, boo hoo... stop... go away...
boo hoo, leave me alone and go away... boo hoo hoo...
- (deranged laugh) AAh-AAH! AAh-Ah-AAh! AAh-AAH-AH!
(shakes head) Me leave? AhAAh-AahAh! ME?! LEAVE?!!!

He lets go of Lee Seol's shoulders, but emotion has cut her legs, so--
Svroof! She collapses, sitting on the floor against the counter.

- YOU!!! You will leave! Stop infecting this place!
You and your musty books that stink like death!!!

VRASHH!!! He razes a pile of books on the counter with his arm.
Sploc-spoc-sploc!! A shower of books falls on Lee Seol.

- (protects herself with arms) OUUUCH!

Gong Yu is on a rampage! He rushes to a display stand and with a jerk of his crutch--
SBROM! He knocks it over with its stack of books!
Lee Seol is in shock. She's never experienced such madness and intense emotions.
She's prostrate, trembling all over, moaning, shaking her hands around her head.


Vrash-Vrash-Vrash!!! He razes shelves with crutch, knocks books over.

- ARRAAHH!!! (traumatic jolts)

SBRANGL!!! He knocks over a big shelf!!

- RAHHAAA!!! (traumatic jolts)

VRASH!!! SBROM!! VLANG!! Furious madness! He vandalizes the store, ravages the shelves...
Lee Seol, stunned, sees waves of books spread across the floor... Until she cracks...

- Stop... STOP... You MONSTER !!!
- What? Me a monster? (rushes towards her, furious)
- ... !!! (terrified)
(brandishes his crutch to hit her)
- !!! (closes eyes, mortified)
~ (from the doorway) President Gong !!!
(stops short... realizes... "I was about to hit her")
(devastated with emotion, sees Secretary Do coming)
- (puts hand on Gong Yu's shoulder) President Gong...
(lowers crutch, distressed with regret)
- ... Please wait for me outside.

One last time, Gong Yu looks tragically around the store. A vision of suffering.
Then he turns, and limps away, bowed and morally beaten...

(tears flowing silently)
- (takes out a wad of banknotes and hands them to her)
For the damages.
(watches Gong Yu leave, too shocked to take the bills)
- (puts money on counter, sees deeds)
Keep those deeds, the offer still stands.
(dizzy from counter-shock)
- Sign and send us the document.
It will be valid when President Gong countersigns.
- (shaky breath) Why does he want me to leave this place so badly?
- (slight sadness)
Nothing you need to know...
- ... ?! (sees his sadness)
- Please... Accept this offer.
You have everything to gain. Why refuse?
- Nothing you need to know...
(stares longingly into space... )

#3. In front of Lee Seol's Bookstore (day).

As Gong Yu and Secretary Do leave, about ten meters away...
... Running from the other end of the street: Ji-Hoon, Kyu-Hyung and Esom!
(!!!) They see the inside of the store, vandalized... and Lee Seol sitting on the floor, tetanized.

- (sees the two men leave) Take care of her.
- Esom, that's not a good idea.

Esom doesn't answer and runs to catch up with Gong Yu and Secretary Do.

- Ah, each to his own, with the means at his disposal. (enters the store)

#4. Ikseon-Dong Street (day).

Esom, two meters behind Gong Yu and Secretary Do.

- You bastard.
- ??! (turns around)
- ??! (turns around)
- (points at Gong Yu) hHMm, Yes, YOU.
You take 15 steps in this direction. (points behind with thumb)
- ... ?!
- You enter that bookstore again, and by virtue of the etiquette...
... You kneel before the young woman you assaulted.
- (looks at his tattoos with contempt)
What are you? A gang thug?
- (cold anger) It doesn't matter who I am. YOU OBEY!!!
- Or what?! Are you going to hit me?
- If that's the only way you'll learn decency...
(takes a step towards Gong Yu, but--)
(blocks Esom's way with one arm)
- !! (quickly assesses his build)

The two men stare at each other, intimidating each other.
Secretary Do is tall and slim, while Esom is really muscular, with a distinct advantage.

- Hh-Hhm... I've already beaten up dozens of asparagus like you.

Esom moves forward and pushes Secretary Do's arm, but at lightning speed--
Wosh! wosh! wosh! Secrétaire Do grabs Esom's arm and executes a series of Ju-jitsu holds!!!
Esom finds himself immobilized, his arm twisted backwards and--

- !!!

SBAM! Secretary Do kicks him in the ass!
Esom is thrown and collapses in some flower boxes, against the front of a store.

(cold, "job done")
- (looks at Esom with disdain) Tsss... (leaves)
- ... !! (too sore to get up, sees them off)

#5. ANIMATION - Ikseon-Dong + Photos (day).

¤ Seen from above: Esom, Gong Yu and Secretary Do.
¤ Click! The image freezes. Becomes a snapshot.
¤ Seen from further away: Them, and the street of Lee Seol's Bookstore.
¤ Click! The image freezes. Becomes a snapshot.
¤ Seen from even further away: Them, and the Ikseon-Dong district.
¤ Click! The image freezes. Becomes a snapshot.

Obviously, the photos are taken from...

#6. Ikseon-Dong, Building roof (day).

... a building roof, where a tall, mysterious woman is standing.
She wears opaque high-tech glasses, classy clothes and a purple umbrella.
Click!, She clicks on her glasses to take one last photo.

{FLASHBACK INSERT, Ep03 - Night bar, Private salon (night).}

The mysterious woman threatens Manager Hwang, with a rapier blade at his throat.

- Sell you information about Gong Yu?
... Whatever you want, as long as it pays well.

Zank!! She sheathes her rapier in her purple umbrella.
She takes out a business card and hands it to Manager Hwang.

- (reads with astonishment) .... ?!

We only see the back of the card: a purple chrysanthemum on a black background.

The mysterious woman removes her glasses, revealing an icy, emotionless face...
CHRYSANTHEMUM (46), from the name of flowers given at funerals.
Only few people know this codename. And if you know her real name, you're certainly dead.

She stares at Lee Seol's store for a few moments, like death waiting for its due...

#7. Lee Seol's Bookstore (day).

Ji-Hoon looks at the devastated store. Shelves overturned, books strewn everywhere.

- What hybrid of Neanderthal and circus macaque could do that?!
Ah! Really! I'm so sorry! I should have intervened before, even alone...

{FLASHBACK INSERT - Starfield restaurant (day).}
Ji-Hoon is reading 1984, behind the counter, when...
(?!) He hears noise and indistinct shouting. Intrigued, he goes outside.

{FLASHBACK INSERT - In front of Lee Seol's store (day).}
(?!!) Ji-Hoon sees Secretary Do waiting outside the store, coldly pained.
As he walks towards the store, the cries from inside become clearer...

~ (mad anger rising) why... Why... WHY...
(demented scream) WHY YOU CAAAAAAAN'T ??!!!!!
~ AAaaAahhh... (terrified) I... I don't know... Boo-hoo...
... You wouldn't understand. Booh ooh ooh...

Intimidated, Ji-Hoon walks behind Secretary Do, "let's pretend I'm here by chance".
(!!!) Ji-Hoon sees the clash in the store. Cowardly, he hastens towards Esom's store.

- ... But what barbaric folly would I have committed without anyone to stop me?!

Kyu-Hyung crouches beside Lee Seol, who stares into space, weeping silently.
He grits his teeth, grimacing with regret, as if "this would happen eventually, what can I do?".
He looks at her, sorry, his heart clenched, "I must do everything I can to help her".

- Lee Seol, try to breathe deeply.
Through the belly, like in the book we read.
(gradually reacts, starts abdominal breathing)
- (observes her belly) Yes... Like this, it's perfect, go on...
- Haff..... haff..... Hafff.... (comes back to life, but this triggers...)
- ??!
- (throws herself into Kyu-Hyung's arms, and--)
Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo.... (crying fit of nervous healing)
- (pats her back) Yes... That's good... Let it all go...

She continues to cry against him, Kyu-Hyung becomes so moved that...
BoBomm... BoBomm... We can hear his heart beating!
His expression leaves no doubt... This is the moment when he falls deeply in love with her.

: (moved) All right, all right, it's your destiny and you accept it.
So... I'll help you fulfill it. Never mind that damned bookshop.

Further on... mmpf! Ji-Hoon puts a book stand back on its feet.
Then he picks up the books from the floor and arranges them on the rack.

- (talking garbage to lighten the mood)
What can we do? Some people hate books... Hey, the other day, I was quietly reading in a park, and some lunatic escaped from the asylum of "Twelve Monkeys" rips my book out of my hands. Then he throws it in a dustbin and sets fire to it!

Esom enters the store... (meanwhile, the cuddle with Kyu-Hyung is over)

- (worried) Lee Seol!!
- (looks at him) ...... (smile of gratitude)
- Can you stand up? (reaches out to help her)
(accepts his help, stands up)

Esom rushes over to help her too... leading her behind her counter, where she sits down.

- Yah!!! Do I have to clean up this mess all by myself?!
Is solidarity a concept unknown to you?!!

Esom and Kyu-Hyung see Lee Seol getting better.
They join Ji-Hoon, put the shelves back on their feet, pick up the books, put them away...

Due to these extreme emotions, Lee Seol suffers an unexpected malaise...
First, she feels dizzy, puts her hand to her forehead, then suddenly--
zzzZZzang!!! Like a spear piercing her mind.

- ... !!!! (eyes bulging, overwhelmed by mental flashes...)

(Each flash is interspersed with Lee Seol's suffering reactions.)

{IMAGINATION INSERT - Lee Seol's mental flashes.}
Everything is a blur, unrecognizable characters, indistinct voices.
¤ Children's hands unwrap a Christmas present: books.
Man's voice: "In this merciless world, you will find peace only in books".
¤ A woman holds up an ancient red book and says...
"On the day you see this, prepare to give your heart, then prepare to die".
¤ A doctor squirts a syringe and says...
"When you wake up, it will be too late".

Lee Seol recovers her senses, horrified and confused, "was it real? or hallucinations?".

- (notices she's not well) Lee Seol!

He goes to her side, followed by the other two men, all worried.

- (to herself, pleading) No... No... Not already...
(in despair, grasping her head with both hands, remembering...)

#8. RECALL - Hospital, Professor Kim's office (day).

SUBTITLE: Two months before.
Professor Kim shows Lee Seol a brain scan on the computer.

- (detours skull) Originally, it was a Meningioma, developed all around the brain.
- .... ?!
- How to put it? ... It's as if your brain were a fortress under siege.
But you were living within the walls without knowing it, until one day...
- .... (bad feeling)
- (shows filaments coming from skull) ... Like thousands of attackers, the tumor infiltrated the brain mass everywhere at once, becoming a Glioblastoma.
- (lost) ... And... What can be done?
- Because of the extreme spread of the tumor, an operation is impossible. However, it progresses more slowly than a classic Glioblastoma. That leaves time for radiotherapy.
- ... What are the chances of success?
- ... (embarrassed, looks at her with empathy)
- .... ? (sad eyes)
- (professional, has to say it) In the absence of surgery, radiotherapy alone won't be able to cure you. It'll just give you... another year or two.
- (devastated, tears) What if I do nothing?
- It's hard to say, it could be a year, but without a doubt, three years maximum.
- ..... (fully realizes, excruciatingly distressed)
- Then I recommend radiotherapy.
- No, it doesn't matter anymore...
- ... ?
- To live three weeks, three years or thirty... deep down we're all doomed...
So I just want to live the time I have left intensely, be happy, fulfill my dreams and never regret anything.
- (!!, admirative) ... However, you must know something important.
- ... ?!
- Because of the areas affected, you could be suffering from cognitive derangement...
... seizures mixing corrupted memories and hallucinations.
- ..........

#9. Lee Seol's Bookstore (day).

- (crying desperately) Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo.....
- Lee Seol... (so worried, gut twisting)
- ... (deeply moved)
- ... (distressed by empathy)
- !!!! (realizes something essential)

Lee Seol rushes to the back of the store.
(??!) They don't understand, follow her.
Deep in the back room...
Tshak!! She unfurls a ladder to the attic.
She climbs the rungs. On her face: "I've got a chance to check it out".

- Lee Seol, what are you doing, where are you going?
(obsessed, doesn't answer and "vriiik..." opens the attic hatch)

#10. Lee Seol's Bookstore, Attic (day).

Head sticking out of the trapdoor, Lee Seol peers into the tiny attic...
... lit by a skylight, ceiling too low to stand up, empty baskets.
It looks like a cell where Cinderella would be locked up.

She enters, walking on all fours.
Nervously, she examines the baskets, then throws them away, when...

- ... !!!!

Under the basket she lifts... a slick of coagulated blood on the floor!!!
zzzZZZzang!!! Like a spear piercing her mind.

- ..... (overwhelmed by mental flashes...)

{IMAGINATION INSERT - Lee Seol's mental flashes.}
Everything is a blur, unrecognizable characters, indistinct voices.
¤ In a dark, narrow place, a nearby man says:
"Miss, are you all right? What happened?"
¤ A room with clinical white lighting, a professor looks at a brain diagram.
Another man says: "Make sure she doesn't remember anything".
The man's blurred head comes to the front: "Sorry, it's the only way for you to survive".
¤ All is dark, and suddenly a greenish sky. Voices of different people:
"Oh my God!", "She killed them all?", "She's a psychopath!".
Coming ahead: Two women's hands covered in blood! Her own hands??!

#11. Lee Seol's Bookstore (late afternoon).

Crushed by emotion, as if drunk, Lee Seol descends the ladder...
... Watched by the concerned Kyu-Hyung, Ji-Hoon and Esom.

(feels ill and stops halfway...)
- ... ?!
(faints and falls down!!)
- !!! (immediately--)

Snap! Esom picks her up in his arms.
She's sweating, eyes half-closed, moaning...
Esom is stirred as he looks at her, holds her close and...
BoBoom... BoBoom... We hear his heart pounding!
His expression leaves no doubt... This is the moment when he falls wildly in love with her.
On his arm, goose bumps... make like his flower tattoos disappear!

- It's getting dark. We can't leave her here alone.
- Do you know where she lives?
- No idea.
- Ah, I live next door. I'll take care of her.
But please take care of her store in the meantime.
- Lee Seol, can you hear me?
- MmmMmmh... (half conscious)
- Try to walk. (helps her into Ji-Hoon's arms)
- (supports her under the armpit) Just fifteen meters to go.
- MmMmh...

#12. In front of Lee Seol's Bookstore (late afternoon).

Ji-Hoon supports Lee Seol, staggering, leading her to his restaurant...

- That's good, that's good! I'm going to cook you a Queen's meal!
And then, a tonic drink, or wine if you prefer. A grand cru, of course!
- OoOhoOohhh... (collapses)
- !!! (supports her, to keep her from falling)

Ji-Hoon looks at her tenderly, so close to him, so vulnerable, so beautiful...
He's consumed by a buzzing in his mind, unbearable but blissful.
BooBom... BooBom...... We hear his heart failing!
His expression leaves no doubt... This is the moment when he falls madly in love with her.

- (tears welling up) Oh dear... What the... Why are you doing this to me?
Isn't it easier to just argue about some books?

The rain starts to fall...

- Lee Seol! Lee Seol! We'd better hurry.
This is no time to catch a cold...
- MmmMmmh... (starts walking again)

#13. Gangnam Street (end of day).

Seen from above, the rain falls on a ballet of umbrellas, like blandly colored flowers...
... but breaking through them, a bright purple umbrella, with the design of a chrysanthemum flower.

Chrysanthemum walks down the street... She stops in front of a square, giving access to...
... A cluster of skyscrapers with daring architecture of outrageous capitalist monstrosity.

#14. Lee skyscraper, Hall (end of day).

A row of official elevators where businessmen wait.
Chrysanthemum arrives at a small private elevator.
Twit! She slides a badge in front of an optical sensor.
The elevator opens immediately. She enters.

#15. Lee skyscraper, Private elevator (end of day).

Only two buttons on the board. A gray one at the bottom...
... a golden one at the top, which Chrysanthemum clicks.

#16. Lee Kang's Office (sunset).

(We don't see the room, except...)
Above a desk with an engraved glass bar: "President Lee Kang"...
... Two powerful male hands hold an open book: "The Art of War", by "Sun Tzu".
An antique edition, red cover, with nothing written on the back.

Kzzz! On the desk, an intercom rings, and on it...
Click! The man's finger clicks on the "answer" button.
He's wearing a sinister signet ring: a dragon devouring a phoenix.
Chrysanthemum's face appears on the intercom screen, in the private elevator.
Click! The finger presses the "open" button.

#17. Skyscraper Lee, Private floor (sunset).

Chrysanthemum steps out of the elevator, and as she walks, all around her...
... wide spaces ten meters high, bay windows visible from one end to the other.
The floor is an immense library: classy displays, sophisticated lighting arrangements.

Only a demented megalomaniac could build this place, more prestigious than the national library.

#18. Lee Kang's Office (sunset).

Chrysanthemum reaches this spot seeing the whole floor, and all of Seoul through its bay windows.

Here, behind a large desk, the only one man she obeys, ready to be his dog...
LEE KANG (58), three-piece suit and gray hair. Everything about him screams "ultra-rich big bad".

The charismatic Lee Kang puts down his book (Sun Tzu) and watches her come...
She places a USB key on his desk. He plunges it into his computer, then...
Clicks on a remote control. A giant screen lights up on a wall opposite.
On the computer, thumbnails of photos taken by Chrysanthemum.
He clicks on the last one, the giant screen displays: Ji-Hoon and Lee Seol in front of her store, in the rain.

- ... ?! (surprised, then upset)
- ...

He clicks another: Gong Yu with his crutch and Secretary Do leaving Lee Seol's store.

- (painful to watch) Mmpffff.....

He gets up and looks out of the window...
... Further down, on a building, a sign "Gong Real Estate Agency - For Rent".

{INSERT - Gangnam streets (sunset) + MONTAGE.}
¤ Quick flashes of stores, offices and apartments with the sign "Gong Agency - For rent".
¤ Exterior view of the Gong agency of Gangnam, on the ground floor of a sumptuous building.
Sign: "GONG Real Estate Agency - We find the home your heart desires".

- (disgusted) An infestation...
- ...
(turns around, goes to his desk, clicks new image)
(without looking at her) Do you know what I hate in this world?
- ...
- (looks at her) It's those people who claim to have a great heart. Always defending a cause that doesn't concern them and ignoring its historical truth. They even support wars, if they can find a humanitarian pretext. But do you know the truth about them? (doesn't wait for an answer)
- ...
- (walks around the room) Apart from a few naive people, they're hypocrites. False altruists hiding a selfish motivation. More rotten than those they fight, by their mediocrity. Often involved in corruption, drugs and sordid sex scandals.
- ...

Lee Kang arrives in front of the giant screen, displaying a general view of Ikseon-Dong Village.

- These people never build anything.
They're trash living in sewers, wallowing in the stench of their own shit.
- ...
- (points to the giant screen) Do you know how this place is nicknamed?
(looks at her, testing her obedience to remain silent)
- ......
- Chrysanthemum, answer.
- The heart and soul of Seoul, my Master.
- Our country doesn't need a heart. (walks to a corner of the room)

Lee Kang arrives in an area we haven't seen before, where there's...
A large model: a group of skyscrapers with daring, sublime, powerful architecture.

On the model sign: "New Ikseon-Dong".
At the foot of the skyscrapers, only a tiny number of traditional houses remain from the original village.

- In this merciless world, our country needs POWER.
- ...... (puffs out chest, his words give her physical pleasure)
- ..... (looks at the model, dark and determined)

#19. Starfield Restaurant, Back room (night).

Lee Seol sits at a table, exhausted and depressed, a blanket over her shoulders.
Ji-Hoon comes twirling in with a steaming mug of coffee.

- AND voilààààààà, The elixir of energy that comforts the heart!
(puts coffee on table)
(puts her hands around the hot mug)
(looks at her tenderly, feels his heart melt)
(closes eyes, lowers head, begins to doze)
(moved, readjusts the blanket to better envelop her)
- (from the doorway) Hyung! Someone's here for the waiter's job.
- ?!

#20. Starfield Restaurant (night).

Ji-Hoon enters and sees at the restaurant entrance... Ye-Ri!!
She's embarrassed, bruises on her face, plaster on her nose, bandage around her head.

- (?!) Is it serious? (goes over to her)
- (lowers head) I can work hard.

{FLASHBACK INSERT - In front of Starfield restaurant (end of day).}
Ye-Ri walks towards Lee Seol's Bookstore, but as she passes the restaurant...
... She sees a sign taped to the door:
"Wanted! Waiter and kitchen assistant. Shooting heat-seeking bullets".

- (so absurd) Ajumma, Ajummaaaa, why would I need an Ajumma?!
(Ajumma = Mature woman, insulting to women who want to feel young)
- (looks up) ... ?!
- (points to her bandages) Ajumma, have you just come from a boxing match?
Or from a fight with your alcoholic husband?
- (!!!) ... (insulting, then... recognizes him...)

{RECALL INSERT, Ep01 - Great hall, In front of Gong agency (morning).}
- ~a-ha. (mocking sneer)
(stares at her like "she's so ridiculous")
- ... ??
- (articulates like a retard) Ye-Ri ~ can ~ do ~ it.

- Ajumma, look around you. (points to the scenery) Here the theme is science fiction. (condescending, in English) ~Repeat after me: "Sci - Fi"~... What can I do with an old woman with a dislocated face?! When I have a clientele of Geeks !
- ... !! (so insulting)
- OK, I don't mind a chick working here, HEY!, I'm not a misogynist...
... but in this case, she should look like this! (points to a poster of...)

The movie "Resident Evil", showing actress Milla Jovovich, slim, young and sexy, guns in hand.

- (desperate) Please, I can't be like this, but I swear, I promise I'll work better than Resident Evil!
- Oh yes?! Well, in that case... (goes to a shelf with goodies)

- ... ??!

Ji-Hoon returns holding a "Darth Vader" helmet from the "Star Wars" movie and--

Bonk!!! He pushes it down on Ye-Ri's head, making her face disappear.

- ... Do the service with this on your head!!!

Accidentally, a red light turns on at the back of the helmet and--
pshhh... A jet of steam shoots from its jaw. Voice modifier activated!

- ??! (from inside the helmet, can't see a thing)

Ye-Ri collapses to her knees and prostrates herself, rubbing her hands...

- (speaking loudly, in Darth Vader's otherworldly voice)
I can't work with this, I can't see a thing...

(?!) Customers in the restaurant notice her.

- !! (afraid of the customers' reaction)
- (voice from beyond the grave) I'll clear the tables, I'll mop the floors, I'll clean the toilets, I won't ask for a tip, I'll--
- (head towards the sky) Aigoooo... Aigoo-aigoooo...
(looks at her like "so annoying, let's find something to get rid of her")
- ... ??! (takes off helmet)
- (lectures her) Ajumma, don't you have any decency? I've got children to feed! Sick children, with Guillain-Barré syndrome, and you create such a bad atmosphere here.
- ??! ("what's this bullshit?")
- (quickly) Do you want my children to die in their hospital beds? When their mother has been euthanized to free her from the unbearable suffering caused by the side effects of a botched vaccine produced by corrupt firms owned by greedy, unscrupulous billionaires who should never have come out of cyberpunk novels?
... How can you be so SELFISH, IGNORANT and INSENSITIVE ?!!
- ... ?!!! (speechless, too cheeky to answer)
- (from the back room) UNNIE !!!
- ?! (turns around)
- ..... (looks at her, embarrassed but happy)
- ..... (smile)

#21. Lee Seol's Bookstore (night).

Tap-tap... Lee Seol taps the optical bank payment reader.

- In case this thing has a problem, just reboot it here.

On the cash register screen, she points to an option "CCM Reset".


{FLASHBACK INSERT - Lee Seol's bookstore (night).}
(moments before)

- (afraid to be pitied) Are you sure you need me?
Does your store earn enough? I wouldn't--
- Unnie, I'm here from 6 a.m. to midnight.
Holding this alone has become impossible, and then...
- ... ?!
- I'm scared. I don't want to be alone.
This guy, my landlord, he's a dangerous madman.
- Gong Yu... my previous boss.
- (points to her bandages) Did he do this to you?!
- No... But he could have. You're right, he's dangerous.
- ... (distressed)
- Lee Seol... (sad and happy)
- ... ?
- (tears in her eyes)
That day was the worst of my life, but you saved it...

- (sudden thought) Also!
... Since you work here, you should join the book club.
- A book club? Who with?

Dunn... Doorbell rings, where are... Kyu-Hyung, Ji-Hoon and Esom!

- Here we are!
- ... !!! (sees Ji-Hoon, disgusted)
- ... !!! (sees Ye-Ri, dismayed)

#22. Book club (night).

The five of them, sitting in the armchairs...
Shyly, Ye-Ri takes a small book out of her bag: "When Buckwheat Flowers Bloom" by "Lee Hyo-Seok".

- That's all I can offer today.
And uh... I only have one copy because--
- (Clac! rises curtly, hand to the sky) Oh - my - gosh! Heaven had preserved us from it, but this time God has aaAAaabandoned us. The devil comes disguised as the horrible deformity of a ROMANCE-obsessed hag!! Dragging us into the ravings of frustrated single old housewives living out their fantasies by proxy. And to add insult to injury, we have to pay for our copy!
- !!!!! ("this man is terrible")
- Ji-Hoon, be more welcoming!
- hAhmm... I know this book. It's a worthy classic.
- Plus, it's super short! You can read it in less than two hours!
(vengeful smile) Unless you've been lobotomized? One word per hour?
- (Splof! falls back in the armchair)
This club has no future. I can't think of anything worse.

#23. Village Ikseon-Dong, General view (morning).

The freshness and calm of aurora.

No one around, except for a few shopkeepers opening their boutiques.

#24. In front of Lee Seol's Bookstore (morning).

Gl-gling. Lee Seul takes out her keys.

- I'll make you a duplicate today.
(nods "yes")
(cri-crac... unlocks the door and opens)
- (looks down and--) Oh?!

An envelope was slipped under the door step!

- ?! (picks up the envelope)

Nothing written on recto. Lee Seul turns the envelope over. Nothing written on verso!

- Huh?! Someone dropped it off during the night?
- (?!) Does this happen often?
- (opens envelope and starts reading)
To you, my first love... (reads further and !!!!)
- ... ?!!
- (confused with disbelief) What the hell is this?!!
- ... !! (leans over to look at the letter)

Calligraphic handwriting.
We see the lines scroll across the letter held by Lee Seol, while...
... A distant, indistinct male voice reads these lines (voice-over):
To you, my first love,
You tore my heart away,
And you refuse to give it back,
So I'll come and tear yours away,
And I'll never give it back,
So we can live happily,
Among those books you love so much.

- WoOow... (rubs shoulders) Brrr! ... It's downright sinister.
- (bites lip, pleadingly) Maybe...
... Is this really a love letter??! (not really convinced)
- The kind of love letter written by psychopaths.
(intrigued by the calligraphy, looks closely)
- Wait... What if it's Gong Yu?!
- (??) ... (remembers...)

{RECALL INSERT, Ep03 - Lee Seol's Bookstore (day).}
- I HATE YOU !!!
- You filthy cockroach infesting this temple...

- Oh no, there's no way he'd write me a love letter...
- But it's not a love letter! It's a psycho gizmo to threaten you!
He wants to start a war of nerves, to make you paranoid, to force you to leave!!!
- (worried, doesn't know anymore) But... Why the calligraphy?!
- I don't know. It must be part of the raving, to make it more disturbing?!
- AAAH!!! (startled, as she sees...)

Gong Yu!!! poc-poc-poc... Walking quickly towards her with his crutch.

- (turns around) ... !!!
- (stressed to death) Quick, quick, go get Esom.
- (!!!) And you??!
- (shouts) hurry UUUUP !!!!
(runs out in the street)

Lee Seol, alone, must face the terrible Gong Yu!!

- (adrenaline, brandishes letter)
It was you who sent me that crazy letter?!!

Snap! He snatches the letter out of her hand. Doesn't give a damn, doesn't even look at it, and--
scratch-scritch-scratch! He tears it into little pieces and throws them at her face!!!

- Mmpf! (blinded)
- I don't give a shit about your crazy antics.
(raises his crutch and poc! sticks the end to her chest)
- !!!
- (snarling) Inside... INSIIIIIDE !!!!
(pushes her into the store with the crutch)

#25. Lee Seol's Bookstore (morning).

- (terrified, forced to step back) No! No, stop!

Snap! Gong Yu tears off a paper taped to the front door.

- (holds up the paper) That's what I came for.
- ... ??! (reads the paper...)

"Here, BOOK CLUB - Free registration - Whoever you are, we don't turn anyone away!"

- What?! How? What--
- Is that so hard to understand??! I'M JOINING THIS FUCKING CLUB !!!
- (confused and horrified) ......... But... You hate books?!
So... Why sign up for this club?!
- In future, I'll stay close to you. (approaches her)
- ... (backs away, anguish)
- VERY CLOSE TO YOU! (approaches her)
- ... (recoils, anguish, anguish)
- Close all the time, and no matter what you do, I'll tear it down.
(gets closer)
- ... (backs away, terror)
- (his crazy eyes in hers) I'm gonna make your life a HELL...
... (screams in her face) UNTIL YOU FUCK OUT OF HERE !!!!
- (startled) AaAaAahh!!!
- Your stupid book club, I'm going to sabotage it! From the inside!!!
- (gasps, shakes with fear) No, no, hh-hh, it's out of the question...
... hh-hh... (angrily) I FORBID you to participate!!!
- (like a hurricane) CLOSE your UNBEARABLE petty NUISIBLE little MUZZLE !!!
YOU - DON'T - HAVE - A - CHOICE !!!!!
- (devastated but fighting) Oh yes... Oooh YES! It's ME who decides.
- (slac!, shows paper, screams) WHAT'S WRITTEN ON IT??!
- (startled) AarAahh!!!
- (runs his finger over the line) "Whoever you are, we don't turn anyone away".
I AM "Whoever", you CAN'T REFUSE !!!!
- (disillusioned anger) AhhAAAhhAhh... I don't give a shit, you jerk!

Both now have crazy eyes, their faces inches away.

- I've got the keys to this shack, I'll come in whenever I want!!
- (gritting her teeth) I'll change the keys.
- The rental contract obliges you to give the duplicate to the owner. Okayyyy???
Stupid scatterbrain, has the pus from your acne pimples infected your brain?!!
- !!!!!!!! (so shocked that her fear disappears)

Gong Yu probably doesn't know it, but this insult seriously concerns her.
Now she's ready to kill. She clenches her fist, wondering when she's going to hit him.

- By the way, you're so filthy you must scare the customers away!
Maybe I just have to wait until you go out of business?!
- (yells in his face, sputters) YOU SPOILED, ROTTEN RICH !!!!
- (pulls back his face, disgusted) Ugh, Yuck!!!

She clenches her fist to death, about to punch him...
... but knows she's not strong enough to hurt him.

- What shitty breath!!! You're ABJECT.
Your mouth is a sewer full of rotting corpses!
: (lightning idea, unclenches fist) Or rather... THIS?

The most unpredictable attack, but valid in this situation...
Lee Seol, her face trembling, has lost her mind.
She throws her arms around his neck and...
(?!!) Gong Yu, opens eyes wide, too surprised to react, then...
... He tries to push her away.
But she insists! Squeezes his neck with her arms!!!
He's disgusted, forced to continue the kiss, until...

Sbling! He drops his crutch and SPAF! pushes her away with both hands.
SBOF! She stumbles and falls.
Destabilized, SBASH! he collapses in a heap against a piece of furniture.
Splot-splot-splot! Books from the furniture fall on his head.

- eEWwwerk!! (grimace of disgust, sticking out his tongue)
- Pouah, spfwerk, ptoo!! (disgusted, spits)
- ... !!! (shocked, wipes mouth with hand)
(suddenly-- stares at him with tigress eyes)
- ... ?!
(crawls towards him like a tigress)
- OooOhhh??! (jumps back, intimidated)

She arrives on all fours on top of him, her face above his.

- ...... (determined, unreadable gaze)
- .....?!
- (calmly) Okay. Come to the book club.
All you have to do is follow the rules and read the book of the week. Okay?
- (confused) ........... (slowly nods "yes")
- (tragic) Do what you want. Sabotage it. Hate me. Hate my books.
Try to destroy my life, but know this...... (eyes growing more intense)
- ........ (suspicious)
- (seething) .....!!! (intense but indecipherable gaze)

Gong Yu puts his arm behind her neck.
Lee Seol, ?!!
He pulls her to him, and...
(?!!) Lee Seol, eyes wide open, Fish-kiss!
She can't stand on her arms and...
... She collapses on him, unable to escape his embrace.
As he continues to kiss her...

Dunnn... Ringing from the entrance, where are...
... Esom, Kyu-Hyung and Ji-Hoon, seeing Gong Yu and Lee Seol kissing.

- !!!
- !!!
- !!!

Lee Seol lying on top of Gong Yu, kissing, and...

FLASH, freeze frame: Lee Seol and Gong Yu kissing.