#1. Forest (day).

It's autumn, drenched in yellow, orange and red...

On a carpet of dead leaves, a squirrel gathers acorns.

The squirrel hears the sound of heavy hooves in the distance.
bwoo... Then the powerful sigh of a large animal.
The squirrel, ??!, cautious, climbs his tree at full speed.

It's not the hero of this fable...

#2. Black background.

Calligraphy in an autumn leaf frame:
Once upon a time, there was a stag and an owl...

#3. Forest (day).

We're close to OWL, a female great horned owl, orange eyes.
She is brooding in a nest in thick branches.

- Hoo hoo.

As we step back, the branches are actually...
Majestic antlers crowning a mighty stag of regal presence!

He's STAG. And he's also annoyed, because...

{RECALL INSERT - Prairie (day).}
Lying on the ground, Stag is sleeping.

Daddy and Mummy Owl finish building a nest on his head.
pop-pop-pop... Owl quickly lays her eggs in it.

BWOOoo.. Stag bellows, but we hear as if he can speak.

- Damn owl. Quieter than a summer breeze...
- Hoo hoo...
- Do I look like a tree?
- Hoo hoo?

Stag sets off, moves his head sharply by accident.
The nest is shaken. Owl jumps, flapping her wings.
For a brief moment, we see the eggs in the nest.
Owl hops back down to incubate her eggs, annoyed.

- Hoo hoo!!
- Sorry.

Stag walks calmly towards the forest exit.

- You don't understand anything and you can't even speak. Damn owl.

tshank-tshank! A sound of wood clattering in the distance.

#4. Prairie (day).

Stag, Owl on his head, sees...
TSHANK-TSHANK! Two other stags, jousting.
They knock their antlers together.

They're fighting to conquer a doe.
She watches from afar, and will settle for the winner.

Stag turns away, dejected, and walks towards a river.

- It's the last days of love season.
- Hoo hoo.
- But have you ever seen an owl lay eggs during autumn? Damn owl.

#5. Riverbank (day).

Stag walks along the bank and sees...
... A beautiful doe quenching her thirst in the river.

- Hoo hoo.

Alerted, the doe looks at Stag... in wonder.
The stag of her dreams, more regal than a King, with Owl on his head.
Stag, !!!, definitely the doe of his dreams too.

As he approaches...
... Another stag emerges from a thicket and blocks his path.
BWOOoo.. The rival stag gives him a defiant bellow!

Wpf.. Stag points his antlers forward. Ready to triumph!
The rival immediately takes a step back.
Stag's muscles seethe with musky steam.
He's ten times stronger than his rival.

- Hoo hoo.

Stag hesitates to assault.
The rival trembles, on the verge of fleeing, but holds firm.
Even certain of losing, he must prove his courage.
Stag moves his head desperately...

- Hoo hoo.

... But realizes he can't fight.
Or else, Owl's nest and eggs will be destroyed.
He looks sadly one last time at the doe...
... And turns his head back, overwhelmed.

The rival stag looks up, surprised but happy.
The doe, !!!, watches Stag walk away in dismay.
Annoyed, she can't believe it... and gallops away.

#6. Forest (day).

Stag walks sadly, alone.
Well, not exactly alone: with Owl on his head!

- I was strong enough to take him down ten times over.
How can I face other males with your nest on my head?
- Hoo hoo?
- I can't have young if I have to save yours. Damn owl.

Owl flies... high... very high.
She circles over the forest...
... Then lands on a tree branch, far from Stag.

She seems to be waiting.

Stag, ?!, walks towards Owl.

Owl flies off and lands on a branch further away.
She spreads a wing, as if to say "this way".

- Hoo hoo!
- (?!) Do you want me to follow you?

He understands and walks in her direction.

#7. Clearing (day).

Stag is about to enter the clearing...
... But he stops. The doe of his dreams is here!

She's alone, unaware of his presence.

Stag, looks up into a tree, Owl.

- Now you can have her without a fight.
- (?!) What?! Can you talk?
- Thanks to me, you didn't kill one of your brothers.

Owl flies off, she doesn't want to talk any more.
She lands on a tree outside the clearing.

- Damn owl.

Stag approaches the doe. She sees him, happy.
He bows his head, showing her the nest with the eggs.
She seems understanding, even amused.

As he courts her, Owl looks on tenderly.

Then Owl flies away out of modesty.
It's a private matter, she doesn't want to see any more.