#1. "Dream Forest" North Road + Kang Chul's Car (afternoon).

Kang Chul stopped at green light. Indecisive, unable to move forward.

HONK! HONK! Other cars pass him, honking.
He forces a painful decision... Vroom!! He starts up and...
... makes a U-turn, entering the opposite lane.
Sad and distraught, he drives away from Dream Forest...

#2. Building Moon, President's Office (afternoon).

Files on desk, Prosecutor Go works.
DRRZ!! His smartphone rings, he picks up.

~ Hello, is Moon Mi-Ra your president?
- (?) Yes, I'm Vice President Go.
~ She's just had a car accident.
- !!! ... (catastrophized) Is it serious?!

#3. FLASHBACK - "Dream Forest" South Road + Mi-Ra's car (afternoon).

Mi-Ra drives without a seatbelt. A depressive feeling and...
... she looks down instead of up.
IIiiiik!! A delivery truck brakes suddenly in front of her and...
KRASH!!! Her car hits the truck!!!

~ She's hit a truck.

She's rushed forward, but immediately--
BOMPH!! The airbag goes off in a flash.

Mi-Ra's face hits the burning airbag, and bounces back...
Her head collides violently with her seat's headrest.

~ The airbag miraculously saved her life.

Concussion. She faints. A red burn mark on her face.
White powder from the airbag spreads.

~ But her face is burned, and the impact puts her in a coma.

#4. "Dream Forest" South Road (afternoon).

Next to Mi-Ra's car, whose front and windshield are smashed...
... Two nurses carry her unconscious on a stretcher.
They take her into the back of an ambulance...
... whose driver is talking to Procureur Go.

- (on the phone) She hasn't regained consciousness.
We don't know how serious the damage is, but it's serious.

#5. Building Moon, President's corridor (afternoon).

Prosecutor Go rushes out of the President's office.
Four "modern" shadow killers stand guard here.

- (to the guards) Our Queen is in danger, hurry!!!!

Faithful and worried, they run with Procureur Go to the elevator.

#6. Building Moon, Entrance (afternoon).

Prosecutor Go and a dozen shadow killers exit the building.
They enter three large black cars which... VROOM!! start off with a bang.

#7. Seoul Road + Kang Chul's Car (afternoon).

Kang Chul drives near a walking area, green space.

The ideal place to think in peace. He parks.
He gets out of his car and walks towards the promenade.

#8. In the ambulance (afternoon).

Lying on the stretcher, Mi-Ra is on an IV, connected to an electro-cardiogram.
She opens her eyes, and sees two nurses looking after her.

- What happened? ... Where am I?
- You've been in a car accident.

Panicked, she realizes she's in a moving ambulance.

- Are we far away?
- No, you'll be at the hospital soon.
- I'm talking about Dream Forest!!!
Are we far from Dream Forest?!

She shakes, tries to sit up but can't, paralyzed.

- Don't move! Your cervical spine has been severely damaged!

Mi-Ra tries to put her hand behind her neck, but--

- Stop!!! You could have irreversible sequelae!!

He tries to control her, but she resists and glares at him...

- I have the most important date of my life.
And nothing in this world will stop me from going.

Shriiimm... Dark threads emerge from her eyes and penetrate the nurse's...

- Sleep.

The nurse collapses unconscious.

- !!!

Shriiimm... Dark threads penetrate second nurse's eyes... absent, hypnotized.
Mi-Ra puts her hand behind her neck, a luminous vapor emerges and heals her wound.

- Ask the driver to go back.

The nurse goes to the front and opens the small cockpit window.

- (to the driver) Turn around!
The patient doesn't want to go to hospital.
- In her condition? This is madness. No way!

SWROMPH! A shadowy turbulence, Mi-Ra becomes the Queen of Darkness.
She snatches the IV, goes to the front, grabs the nurse, and out of anger...
BONG! She slams his head against the wall. He collapses unconscious.

~ What the hell are you doing back there?!

A red light shines in the abdomen of the Queen of Darkness and...
SPROTCH!!! Shadow arm springs from her belly.
Shadow fingers dig into the front wall, grabbing it and...
SKRWIKK!!! Tears off half the metal wall, opening access to the cockpit.

- !!! (alarmed by the noise, looks at the rear-view mirror--)

Immediately, the Queen of Darkness rushes to the front passenger seat.
The shadow hand grabs and turns the driver's head toward her--
Shriiimm... Dark strands run from her eyes to the driver's.

- Now turn around.

#9. Seoul Road (afternoon).

Iiiii... Ambulance makes U-turn at next intersection.

~ Full throttle. With siren!

Woo-Woo-Woo... Siren and flashing lights on.
The ambulance speeds between the cars, which move aside to let it pass.

#10. Promenade, Green space (afternoon).

Kang Chul walks among the happy strollers.
He stops, sighs heavily, looks up at the sky...

... then at the lawn where students sit, carefree, laughing together.

#11. In the ambulance (afternoon).

(Note: The Queen of Darkness has reverted to Mi-Ra in the meantime.)
Woo-Woo-Woo... The driver speeds off, siren on.
Mi-Ra has a luminous hand on the back of her head.
She looks at her watch... "15:20". She sighs, worried.
She unfolds the sun visor and looks at herself, in the mirror on the back.
A red burn mark on her face, make-up undone.

- Shit, shit!!

She places her second hand on the burn mark, luminous vapor, healing.
She looks at her outfit... soiled with white powder...
... including a large indelible white spot at the heart.

- Fuck... I'm ruined...

#12. Promenade, Green space (afternoon).

Kang Chul sees two teenagers arguing further on.

Dejected, he remembers...

#13. RECALL, Ep32, "W" - Sung-Moo's Replica Garden (night).

(Few minutes after Kang Chul's dream of Mi-Ra.)

- You could have had that answer a long time ago.
So this time, are you going to do what it takes?
- ... (tortured, hard to bear)

The illusion whispers in Kang Chul's ear.

- What if something was missing, right from the start?
- !!
- But how could you know? You've done nothing but imitate me so far.
You're a deep fake, 2.0, who hasn't experienced anything.
- You think you've solved your problems by reading a manhwa?
Until you've experienced it, it's worthless.
(more and more distressed, crying...)
- I'm very disappointed in you for what I could have been.
A coward afraid to live what he has read...
- ... to be a madman again, shooting at the people he loves.
Or worse... a gallant joker with artificial feelings.
(cries more...)
- You're sick of me appearing, the solution is simple.
Then you... we'll continue our monologues, alone.
- (obstinate, annoyed) If I do it...
... it'll be for my own reasons, not yours.

#14. "Dream Forest" South Entrance + In the ambulance (afternoon).

Ambulance arrives at park entrance, slows to stop.

- (to the driver) Enter the park!
The road leading to Changnyeongwigung Ancestral Shrine.

The ambulance picks up speed and enters the park.
Astonished strollers look on. "Has someone had an accident?"

Mi-Ra plumps her cheek with make-up.
She checks in the sun visor mirror. Satisfied, she fixed it.
She sweeps the white dust off her clothes. It comes off easily.
Satisfied, her clothes are intact except...
... the large white spot on the heart, deeply imprinted.

- (looks at the white spot) Too bad...

#15. Promenade, Green space (afternoon).

Kang Chul sees a happy couple and their young son sitting on the grass.

He remembers this morning...

#16. FLASHBACK - Sung-Moo's Living Room (dawn).

(As Kang Chul left in W, after his dream of Mi-Ra.)
Yeon-Joo enters. Soo-Bong draws on the tablet with Ren-Bo. Meals.

- Hello Unnie!!
- Hello Noona.
- (looks around) Isn't my husband here?
- (looks around) ... Bah...
- Angel, I've drawn breakfast.
Go fetch it before it gets cold.

SHAF! Ren-Bo disappears, flash of light.
FSHA! Light flash, she reappears in the kitchen...
... along with an abundance of food on the table!

Yeon-Joo goes to look in the bathroom... (?!) sees no one.
She returns to the bedroom.

#17. RECALL - Sung-Moo's Bedroom (morning).

Yeon-Joo enters... suddenly in front of her--
KZZT! Colorful interference, Kang Chul materializes.

- (startled) WaAaAh!!
- (disturbed) Sorry.
- At dawn, you're going there?!
- (embarrassed) Some research to do.
... But I'll take care of Chul-Moo this morning.
- (smiles) Good idea!! (exits)
(watches her leave sadly)
~ (from the hallway) A crazy house with people spending their time going back and forth to other dimensions...

Kang Chul, distressed... takes Chul-Moo from the cradle.
He sets him on a table to change his diapers, but with a better look...
... He sees that he's clean! Kang Chul, happy surprise, already at this age.

- Potty! Potty! Potty!
- Ah yes, quickly!

He removes Chul-Moo's panties and places him on a potty.
Proot!! Chul-Moo poops in the potty!
As Chul-Moo finishes, then Kang Chul cleans and dresses him...
... He talks to his son, who probably can't understand.

- Shall I sacrifice myself for you?
- No!
- So... who has to sacrifice?
- Mom.
- (tragic smile) No...
... That's not acceptable either.
- Me!
- (tender smile) You understand nothing, right?
- Mom and Dad.
- I've been through so much with Yeon-Joo.
Something like that can't disappear.
- Nobody!
- Yes, that's how it should be... (painful)

#18. Promenade, Green space (afternoon).

Kang Chul looks at the happy couple, smiling, happy for them.
Without paying attention, he turns back to his car but--
Collision! Splotch!! A young woman spills her chocolate ice cream on him!

- Oh, I'm so sorry.
(looks at the damage, a dark chocolate stain on his heart)
- I... I can pay for your dry-cleaning if--
- Buy yourself another one.
(takes a bill out of his wallet and hands it to her)
- (hesitates) But...
- Really. (charming smile, holds out the bill insistently)
- (takes the bill) Wow... ("what a gentleman! so handsome")
(nods goodbye and heads for his car)
- (bends to thank him, even though he can't see her)
Thank you! Thank you!!

As the young woman leaves, Kang Chul pulls out a handkerchief...
... He wipes the ice off his shirt, but it's indelible... a black stain.

- Too bad... (gets into his car)

#19. Changnyeongwigung Ancestral Shrine + In the ambulance (afternoon).

The ambulance stops near this famous historic villa.
Worried, Mi-Ra doesn't see Kang Chul.
She calls someone on her smartphone, it picks up.

~ President? Are you--
- I messed up an ambulance. Fix it.
~ Uh... Yes presi--
- (hangs up abruptly, to the driver)
Go park at the Moon building parking lot. Then forget everything.

She gets out of the ambulance... which turns around and leaves.
Dismayed, she looks around... Kang Chul isn't here.

She looks at her watch... "15:30". Half an hour late.

{MANHWA INSERT, W - Penthouse (day).}
- Punctuality is the most elementary sign of respect.

Mi-Ra sighs heavily, desperate, alone...

#20. Seoul Road, In Kang Chul's Car (afternoon).

Kang Chul drives, pensive...

#21. RECALL, Ep32, "W" - Replica's Bedroom (night).

(Just before Kang Chul remembers the forgotten dream of his former self life.)
Kang Chul sits in the armchair... relaxes, closes his eyes.
Beside him... the illusion of the previous Kang Chul.

- Looks like this time, I'm going to disappear for good.
- (eyes closed) If you let me concentrate, maybe...
- (cynical) So, your famous reason for doing this...
You hope what you felt for Yeon-Joo will override what you feel for Mi-Ra?
- (opens his eyes, annoyed) And so it will.
- No doubt, I'm just asking a few questions...

{FLASHBACK INSERT, W Ep07 - Police Station (day).}
- (to Yeon-Joo) I was afraid I'd never see you again.

{FLASHBACK INSERT, W Ep06 - Han River Bridge (night).}
Kang Chul jumps from the bridge and Sploof!! plunges into the river...
... unconscious in the icy water, presumed dead.

~ Does it make sense to love a woman but kill yourself instead?

- No!! It's just that... There were other reasons...
... And I wasn't sure of my feelings at the time.
- What!! You said (articulating) "I was - afraid - I'd - never - see you - again".
How can you see her again, when you're dead in a river?!
- (exasperated) Shut the fuck up! It'll be clear in five minutes.

{FLASHBACK INSERT, W Ep07 - Police Station (day).}
- I love you!!

Kang Chul is moved... Colorful interference, Yeon-Joo disappears.

~ Of course, it was touching...

- (snide) But what kind of emotion exactly?
How would you rate it on a scale of 1 to 10?
- Ten, now piss off, asshole.
- I'll tell you one more thing...
(whispers in Kang Chul's ear, we can't hear)
- ... !!! (exasperated, another inconvenient truth)

#22. Changnyeongwigung Ancestral Shrine (afternoon).

A completely grey sky.

Mi-Ra looks at her watch... "16:00". She's devastated.

: Either he came and went.
Or he'll never come.

Her hope shatters... A deep existential rift...
... This sensation of infinite emptiness ... vertigo, it rises to her eyes.
The urge to burst into tears, like a child, uncontrollable.

: No, no, not here, not yet.

She takes out her smartphone, displays the contact "Kang Chul".

: At least that... At least ask him.

She clicks to call and--
BRZZ... A smartphone ringtone, behind her!!!

- ??! (turns around and sees--)
- Sorry, I'm late.
- !!!

Kang Chul is three meters away from her, with an embarrassed smile.
BoBOOM!! Mi-Ra's heart leaps into her chest.
Immediately, an immense relief, a radiant hope, which she hides.
BRZZ... His smartphone continues ringing. Clic! She cuts off, her mind on clouds.

Kang Chul tries to flash his usual cool, seductive smile...
... but fails... because of the knot in his stomach.
Hand trembling, jaw clenched, apparent hesitation...
... the famous self-confident action hero no longer exists.
Just a man experiencing a feeling he's never known before.

Apprehension takes over from Mi-Ra's hope, fear of what to do.
She shakes her head and tosses her hair, a seductive gesture, to give herself confidence.
A failure, her eyes sparkle, difficulty breathing, apparent nervousness.
The terrifying Queen of Darkness is no more than a lost high-school girl...
... on her first date with her first love.

She, dressed in black, a white stain on her heart.
He, dressed in white, with a black stain on his heart.
Time to acclimatize... so disturbed... at altitude...
... They speak with the sensation that someone else is speaking for them.

- (to save her dignity) I was late too.
Um... I hesitated to come, so...
- (feels it's a lie)
And I had... a car accident.
- (feels it's a lie)
So, it must have been difficult to come...

Mi-Ra, with a gentle but penetrating gaze... "You're lying."
Kang Chul, her eyes now have the surreal aura of the unknown and desired woman.
He understands... She knows men. No gallant games or cheating will work with her.

- Yes... difficult.
But it all became clear in the end. (remembers, this morning...)

#23. RECALL, Ep33, "W" - Replica's Bedroom (night).

- I'll tell you one more thing...
(whispers in Kang Chul's ear)
- Does the absolute need a comparison or a score from 1 to 10?
Aaah... for a logical guy like you, maybe??
- !!! (exasperated, another inconvenient truth)

#24. RECALL, "W" - Replica's Bedroom (night).

Eyes closed, Kang Chul shakes his head...
... under his eyelids, eye movements, like an epileptic seizure.
Every detail of the forgotten dream returns to his memory...

Kang Chul opens his eyes... Eyes of infinite sadness.

~ Now I knew what I had felt...
... every moment of my life.

{FLASHBACK INSERT, W Ep07 - Police Station (day).}
Happy, Kang Chul and Yeon-Joo kiss. Sweet and peaceful. Sincere love.

~ Love isn't sweet and peaceful.

{FLASHBACK INSERT, Ep30 - Mi-Ra's VIP room (early evening).}
Kang Chul and Mi-Ra kiss. An unknown flavor. An unbearable fire. A love from beyond.

~ A lot of what we have to throw into the fire.

Kang Chul grimaces, then without being able to hold it...
... He bursts into tears... A long, heart-rending crying fit.

{FLASHBACK INSERT, Ep22 - Penthouse, Movie Studio (evening).}
- The first time they fall in love...
It's because their personalities match?
- ... Mmmh... Certainly!
- Kang Chul is rational. The second time, he deduces this logically.
That's why he makes the choice to go to her.
- Yes, but... where's the magic spark from the first meeting?

Moaning, his tears flowing, something irreparably broken inside him.

~ I looked for a proof I no longer needed.
Instead, I discovered that falling in love wasn't a choice...

Kang Chul continues to cry... so many illusions and vain hopes dissipated in tears.

~ ... even the worst woman in the world. Absurd as it is.
As if an author forced it without there being an author.

Kang Chul cries less violently, confused...

- An author?!

He's thinking... his eyebrows contracted... his typical attitude when he breaks through a mystery.

- The Correspondent can't kill off the main characters, but...
... Could he manipulate them without their knowledge?!

Kang Chul, defeated by uncertainty... It could be true, or just another way of lying to himself.
Hand on chest... Either way, it doesn't take away what he feels... sincerely.

#25. Changnyeongwigung Ancestral Shrine (afternoon).

Kang Chul guesses he can't rush anything...
... He has to let her breathe, as much as he needs to.

- Last time, you were peaceful.
I thought today you'd be peaceful too, so I came.

Mi-Ra, relieved... "thanks for saying something banal, I need to come to my senses".

- You took a step towards me with no intention of threatening me.
So I wanted to return the courtesy.
- So you've come to offer me a deal, too?
- ... No.
- ("a little pressure to sound it out")
Then what are we doing here?
- (breathing heavily, impossible to admit, "to make it trivial")
I just wanted to see you... to take a walk in this lovely park.
- ... ("no reason, or is she hiding what she feels?")
- ... ("so cold, does he feel the same way I do?")
- Alright.

#26. "Dream Forest", Alley (afternoon).

They are walking along a path in an undergrowth, bordered by a stone wall.

They look at each other from time to time, too moved to smile.
A romantic silence, a tension that cannot diminish.

- What would you like to talk about?
- It doesn't matter.
- ... ?!
- Even without saying anything, I'm fine with it.

Kang Chul weighs up the implication, "Is being together enough for her?", then...
... for the first time, she smiles at him... so tenderly, so warmly.

BoBoom! His heart pounds. Eye contact, deep.

: Her true nature, hidden, incredibly gentle.

He smiles at her too, but not like the charming Kang Chul he often is.
A tender, sincere smile. Both moved, a warmth in their hearts.

Because she now feels comforted, with no ulterior motive...
... She puts her hand behind Kang Chul's elbow, to hold his arm.
But he pulls his arm away!

- ??!
- Mi-Ra... I'm married.
- !! (like a stab in the heart)

A massive sentimental disappointment.
She can only react as usual... with violence.

- (insolent) So what?
Is your wife here?! (takes back his arm)

Kang Chul withdraws his arm again, despite his desire for her.
It's his nature too, immorality weighs too heavily on him.

- Are you intending to disrespect me?

Mi-Ra, !!!, outraged, feels she has no choice despite the pain...
... She takes two steps away from Kang Chul, looks at him with contempt.

- You asked what we were doing here.
Finally, I think I came to check something...
- ... !! (unsettled, feels he screwed up)
- (coldly) ... And it's done.

She turns and leaves, definitive as a guillotine blade.
Kang Chul, !!!, inner conflict! Urgency! Regret and anguish to see her go.
He doesn't see her tortured face... begging for him to catch her...
... But he rushes to her, grabs her wrist.

- Wait!!
- (snarling wag, breaks his embrace)
Get off!

He grabs her wrist again, more firmly, and forces her to turn around!
Angrily, she tries to free herself with the help of her second hand.

- (eyes shooting lightning bolts)
And me, do you respect me?!!

Kang Chul, enraged! He grabs her second wrist. She steps back to escape but...
BOM! She's pinned against the stone wall.
PAFF! He slams both her wrists up against the wall. Manly!

He holds her still, his face close to her's, eyes in eyes.
She gasps sensuously, looks at his eyes, his mouth, his eyes, like...
... "I'm your prisoner now, so kiss me, kiss me wildly".
He sees it, she's dying for it. And even... "As if she lured me here for this".

~ If she'd wanted to get away from me...
... She could use her shadow halo and supernatural strength.

The atmosphere is volcanic, and Kang Chul is panting too, sniffing her alluring scent.
He makes superhuman efforts to resist the erotic impulse.

- Let's go for a walk.

He releases her and extends his elbow, inviting her to slide her hand in.
Mi-Ra, her excitement melting like snow in the sun, takes his arm...
... it's sweeter than a kiss at this moment.

#27. "Dream Forest", Lakeside (afternoon).

They walk peacefully. Still tense, but full of warmth...
... of tender smiles exchanged, of understanding between glances.
A shared happiness that makes everything around them magical. Like a dream.

- (joking) So... Was that for a checkup?
- (sighs) And you don't need one?
Your situation is even more complicated than mine. ("married, one son")
- Yes, but first, getting to know each other...
... Because right now, like this, it's so weird.

She hopes she's understood... "falling in love like this, barely knowing each other".
But they choose not to say it directly.

- We've fought each other. That says more than words.
It's the only way to respect someone in their own right.
- But not to see the good sides of a personality.
You've changed since then, but how?
- (embarrassed, looks away) I feel good for the first time in my life.
... So why did it have to be just then... ?
- ... (hoping to understand: "why this sudden love?")
- I wish I'd had time to breathe.
(squeezes his arm tighter)
- (moved) I'm used to making quick decisions.
... When I know it's right.

Mi-Ra understands... "I'm what's right for him". Intense emotion overwhelms her.

- (breathing heavily) I know you're direct.
I know you... Thanks to W.
- Have you read the manhwa?
- Only the last two volumes. But the graphics are awful.
- That bad?!
- A fucking rag! Your face is the only thing worth saving.
Otherwise, the three assholes responsible for this have wasted 10 years of your life.

Kang Chul is stunned. "Three assholes". He understands "Sung-Moo, Yeon-Joo, Soo-Bong".

- ("it's true, she's harsh")
For the sake of fiction... But it was hard to take.
- (feels she hurt him, sorry)
I know, only those who lived terrible ordeals can understand those who lived them too.

Something evil in her ulterior motive, which Kang Chul doesn't notice...

: (looks ahead with disgust) That rules out your retarded fucking wife, who hasn't done a damn of shit for 30 years, despite a dream life.
- ... (would like to ask, but thinks it's inappropriate)
- (fears he'll stay hurt, softens more) Whatever... even in reality...
... I feel like I've lost 10 years of my life.
- (better to say a banality) A difficult life...
... That explains why you're such a difficult woman.
- (a smile like "thank you for being considerate my love")
... And you, have you read my manhwa?
- I haven't had time. Just the most recent chapters.
- Oh, it imitates my style. But it's too wordy to be my work.
- Mmh... Yes... Automatic publishing.
- My first 17 volumes are mainly graphic.
You don't have to read to understand, just look at the pictures.
- Just look at the pictures?
Then I will... That's what I like best.

#28. "Dream Forest", Alleys (afternoon) + MONTAGE.

(We see them far or close, walking in different places. Snippets of conversation).

C#1. More familiarity and complicity...
- (shows the white spot on her heart)
... I assure you, I really had a car accident on the way here!
- (shows the black spot on his heart)
And I had a chocolate ice cream accident...

C#2. Mi-Ra and her acerbic remarks...
- ... Tcham! You decide in the last two volumes. It's really you!
You shoot innocent people! But Ok, they were too stupid to deserve to live.
- (embarrassed) I've changed since...
(unexpectedly, her carefree attitude to death relieves him of guilt)

C#3. Teasing from both sides...
- ... "Soo-Hee, you're fired". MoAh Ah ah.
Poor girl, so pathetic. You act sooo serious.
- Did you really want to stroll around without saying anything?

C#4. WITHOUT SOUND - They talk and joke, exchanging smiles...
~ She's always interesting, deep and surprising.
Sharp, theatrical, lacking in lightness and cheerful comfort.

Kang Chul adapts to her sharp personality, falls for her sweet smile...

~ A woman so different from the eccentric, dreamy Yeon-Joo...
... and so much more beautiful and radiant. Even if she is a dark light.

#29. "Dream Forest", Undergrowth (afternoon).

- Mi-Ra, let's try to go further.
- (at last! sentimental hope) ... That's what--
- A better deal about the manhwa.
I don't know what your plans are, we need to sort this out.
- !! (disappointment)

Mi-Ra puts her index finger on Kang Chul's mouth, "shut up".

- (looks at him despairingly) We'll remain enemies over this.
I don't know how it will turn out, and that terrifies me.
- (!!!) ... You mean... (tell...)

{FLASHBACK INSERT, W Ep15 - Replica's Bedroom (day).}

- (shows his hand) Look at this hand.
Why do you think it's normal?
- !!
- Because it strangled someone this morning.

- The Queen of Darkness is conditioning you to the role of villain?!
(worried) Has your arm become transparent? You--
- No, I don't know if it will, and honestly...
... I haven't made any effort to act "nice".
- (thoughtful, concerned) You think...
... This fusion phenomenon is different from Oh Sung-Moo's?!
- Let's not talk about that anymore.
If we meet, it must be peaceful, like a truce.
- (torn) That's no solution.
- I don't have one. So let's not mix things up.
(heavy on the chest, thoughtful)
- (feeling helpless) I'm sorry... I can't see any further.
... I've... I've always destroyed everything, but today I--
- I don't know where such a situation leads, but since that's the way it is...
... I have to think about how to assume it, and then make a happy life out of it.
- ("too direct to be true")
... Do you mean... about us?
- (amused, looks around)
... Is there another femme fatale nearby?
- .... (suffers, happiness so close but seems impossible)
- Hey... (leans in, looks at her confidently, reassuring)
- ... (smiles sadly, moved, "with him is it possible? Yes, it must.")
- Since there will be problems... We need a code.
- A code?!
- (takes out his smartphone) Do you use emoticons?
- (grimaces) How awful...
- Let's just use three, in the message header.
(sends a message to her smartphone)

Ting! Notification on Mi-Ra's smartphone.

- (looks) ... ??
- For a moment of peace, let's send this one.
(shows a PIG emoticon on his smartphone)

- A pig?! Weird way to think about peace.
- (smiles) Peace, or that kind of thing...
- Mmh? (amused pout, suspects something saucy)
- For an argument or a serious subject to discuss.
(shows a HAMMER emoticon on his smartphone)

- ... (nods)
- And to kill each other.
(shows a DEATH SKULL emoticon on his smartphone)

- (sad) ... Just like in your manhwa, you're very organized.
- (sad smile) You should acquire it.
Last time I checked, you're company president.
- (flaps hand) A real ordeal. I hate it.
- Really? You should make me CEO.
(amused) I think I've got a bit of experience.
- Tcham! Kang Chul, such a competent guy!!
When our troubles are over, then...
- ...
- ... I promise. (tragic smile)
- Let's do so. (tragic smile)

Kang Chul moves away from Mi-Ra.

- (irrational fear) What... what are you doing?
- I've got an investigation, I have to go.
- (panic) Not already?! No, it's too short.
- I wish I'd had time to check more...
... But it's really important.
- Please... don't leave me alone.
(desperate) Stay a little longer. Check everything you want.

Kang Chul, !!!, sees a strange distress in her, without understanding what.
Deep, much more than the fear of a temporary separation.
He's unable to leave immediately, so...

Mi-Ra clings to him, rests her head against his chest.
She puts an arm behind his shoulder.
Kang Chul doesn't know what to do with his hands, so...
... he caresses Mi-Ra's head.
His nose in her hair, he inhales her fresh scent.
She pulls away from him on one side, puts her hand on his heart.

- Sorry... Not very serious for the Queen of Darkness.
- And a serious action hero would have gone casually.
Saying "don't worry", with a wink.
- Tcham! You look like you lived it.
I pity the poor girl...
- My wife...
- (sneers) Moah ah...

At first, Mi-Ra is happy that he made her suffer...
... but then pain and anger take over... then doubt.
Gradually, Kang Chul becomes aware that she's having a hard time...
... that he may have said something wrong.
Mi-Ra removes her hand from his heart, and with...
... she takes Kang Chul's hand and squeezes it tightly.

- (in the eyes, worried)
Please... don't disappoint me any more.
- ("only a truth can make up for that") I know, I'm disappointing.
And even when they don't say it, women think I'm a cad.
- (complicit smile) It's true, but as you're irresistible...
... they prefer to forget it. But I'm different.
- Is it a flaw you can't stand?
- No, it's just that I'm no better, so I don't care.
I know how hateful I can be.
- Since your return to the real world...
... I haven't seen any of this, apart from your speech on TV.
- Apart from the times when I use Cha Yu-Sun, I'm frank.
Totally. I'm ready to give my trust, without limit.
- Mmh, a passionate temperament.
- A touch...
- Do it slowly, because small wounds don't cause scars.
That's how confidence grows, despite the scratches.
- That's kind advice, but I can't see myself trusting you half-heartedly...

They look at each other and smile fondly.

- You have to let me go now.
- Wait... One last thing. (takes Kang Chul's hand)
I really need to check something.
- ... ?!

#30. Sung-Moo's Living Room (afternoon).

Wang Shin is at the top of a stepladder, holding a hammer and nails.

- Miss, more to the right.
And don't move that!

FLIP! FLAP! Ren-Bo flies next to him, holding a pane of glass...
... against the ceiling, where there's a rectangular hole.

- Yah! You think it's easy during a hover?!

PAF! PAF! PAF! Wang Shin nails the glass window to the ceiling.

- Are you sure it can be opened from the outside?!
- What use is a window on a roof that can be opened from the outside?
- For Santa Claus!
- Santa Claus... ?!?!?
- A bearded Arabodji who hands out presents everywhere, once a year.
(Arabodji = Old man, grandfather.)
- (??!) There's someone who does that?!
- Of course, that's how it is in the real world!!!

On the floor, Yoon-Hee and Do-Yoon look at them.

- Aigoo... That foolish girl's talking nonsense to him.
- And what's worse, he believes it!!!

PAF! PAF! Wang Shin puts in one last nail. Job done!

- Really, people of this era don't know how to do anything anymore.
It wasn't hard to fix.
- Bweeh! Lucky it wasn't raining recently.

Plic-ploc-plic... Raindrops fall on the roof... It's starting to rain.

- Indeed, just in time.
I wonder who was stupid enough to break that window.
- !!! (orange wings)

{FLASHBACK INSERT, Ep22 - Roof of the house (dawn).}
Ren-Bo leans over the window, waving her arms to Do-Yoon.
Ziiiiip!! She skids on an unstable tile.

- ??! (falls forward)

Crash-Kling!! She breaks the window and falls into the Living Room!

FLAP! FLAP! Ren-Bo gives falsely "involuntary" wing strokes ...
... on Wang Shin and the stepladder, which collapse.

- Aaaahh... (falls)

#31. "Dream Forest", Glade (afternoon).

Holding Kang Chul by the hand, Mi-Ra leads him into this secluded spot.
She leans against a tree, out of sight of the other walkers.

- What's this about?
- A kiss.
- ... ?!!

{MANHWA INSERT, W Ep03 - Penthouse, Bathroom (day).}

- Kissing with a gun is sexual assault. I'm going to sue you!
- You're the one who sexually assaulted me.
I was conducting a scientific experiment to prove your theory.

- Me too, it's just a scientific experiment!
- Usually... I do this kind of experiment when I'm single.
(raises hand and shows wedding ring)
(suddenly exasperated, closes eyes, grins with annoyance)
(upset, "not a good idea, but did I have a choice")
- (sighs, glares at him)
... Then forget it.
- (can't leave it like that)
Isn't it rather that you're dying for it?
- (looks at him like "why are you beating around the bush?")
Yes... No, also... I really must check!
- ... (intrigued, senses she's telling the truth)
- Listen, this time it's not a condition.
I have no way of coercing you with a deal.
- ...
- Just, if you feel the least desire for it ...
... then help me this way.
- ... (can't decide)

Mi-Ra looks him straight in the eye, grabs his jacket and gently...
... she draws him to her... his lack of resistance is a confession.

Glued together, Bo-Boom, hearts pounding, excited...
... A moment of silence, panting, eye to eye. She savors the anticipation.

- A tender and sincere kiss.
Like the one I'd give to the one I love.

Now Kang Chul's the one dying for it, whatever his morals...

... He kisses her passionately!!!

Mi-Ra caresses the nape of Kang Chul, as he grabs her chin...
... guiding her head, preventing her from choosing her movements.
Forcing her into a state of abandonment, increasing her pleasure tenfold...
... and by feedback, making her more sensual and increasing his pleasure tenfold too!

She pulls on his jacket to press him closer, even when she is already pinned against the tree.
They abandon themselves to passion. No longer to avoid suffering, but out of desire!
The kiss is long, dizzying...
Once again, that unknown sensation of sharing, beyond physical attraction.

The wind blows harder, whirling around them...
... stirring Kang Chul's jacket and Mi-Ra's hair.
As if the elements too were experiencing this emotional and carnal turmoil.

Mi-Ra moans, her legs tremble.
When their lips part, and he pulls away from her...
Bom! She collapses to her knees, clutching his jacket.
Paf! He puts a hand on the tree to keep from collapsing.

She raises her head to look at him, clearing her sensual throat.
He lowers his head to look at her, taking her hand.
Eye-to-eye, deep, paralyzed, startled...
... a feeling of recognizing each other, beyond reality.

They look away, sigh heavily, saddened because for them...
... it's not the right time. So many other problems made more complicated.

He pulls her hand to help her up.
He bends down, pulls out a handkerchief and wipes some dirt from her knee.
She smiles tenderly at him and runs her hand through his hair.
Today, she doesn't have a slave, but a knight.

- About your investigation... what do you intend to do?
- ... ?! (looks at her curiously, about to answer...)

#32. Sung-Moo's Bedroom (afternoon) + RECALL MONTAGE.

Yeon-Joo sits on the bed next to Chul-Moo, who sleeps in his crib.
She looks at her son with a sad smile, then stares into space, distraught.

C#2. RECALL, Ep32 - Sung-Moo's Kitchen (noon).
Kang Chul is drinking a glass of water, when BRZZ! his smartphone vibrates, he looks...
... and drops the glass, which Crash!! falls to the floor and shatters.
Yeon-Joo sticks her head out to see who's calling, but Kang Chul hides it and quickly exits.

Yeon-Joo's eyes redden, flicker...

C#4. RECALL, Ep32 - Sung-Moo's Bedroom (early afternoon).
KZZT! Colorful interference, Kang Chul materializes in front of Yeon-Joo.

- (happy) Honey, did it work? Did it--
(sad and suffering, head down)
- (worried) ... Honey... (puts hand on his shoulder)

Yeon-Joo puts her hand on her stomach. Nauseous.

C#6. RECALL, Ep32 - Sung-Moo's Bedroom (early afternoon).
- Do you want to talk about it?
I was there during those moments, so--
- (removes Yeon-Joo's hand from his shoulder)
I need to be alone.

Opening the door in surprise--

- (shouts) Noona!!!
- (doesn't jump, stunned)
Oh... Soo-Bong...

C#8. RECALL, Ep32 - Sung-Moo's Bedroom (early afternoon).
Yeon-Joo looks at Kang Chul, nervously bats her eyelashes, senses something abnormal...
... but can't imagine what. "Why do you take such care with your hair?"

- (sees she's pale and in pain)
What's the matter, Noona? You look terrible.
- (unable to look at him)
It's like... a diffuse malaise...

C#10. RECALL, Ep32 - Sung-Moo's Bedroom (early afternoon).
- (sad) ... Thank you Yeon-Joo.
(like "thank you for everything you've been to me")

- I... I have a kind of horrible dizziness, everything is spinning.
(exhales a weak breath, a tear in her eye)
- (?!) Noona, have you fallen ill?

C#12. RECALL, Ep32 - Sung-Moo's Bedroom (early afternoon).
Yeon-Joo is confused because... Kang Chul leaves without saying anything...
... like someone who can't stand what's going on here, or is too embarrassed.

- No... It's as if... I've been dispossessed of everything...
... An immense inner emptiness. (lost, tears flowing)
- (!!) ... What do you mean?!
... When you have the most perfect husband in the world?!!!
- (puts her hand on her face, suffers, cries)
... I don't know what... I don't know what's happening to me...
- I'll make you some hot tea, then you'll feel better, Noona.

Soo-Bong leaves. Yeon-Joo, devastated, looks at the empty door...
... "Hot tea won't cure anything like this"...

#33. Seoul Street (afternoon).

Kang Chul and Mi-Ra arrive in front of a comic book store.
Posters stuck to the bay window, the interior is cluttered.

- It's small and unkempt.
- That's how you recognize specialist places.
- Do I really have a better chance of finding what I'm looking for here?!
- (quick, so obvious) Kang Chul, the two authors you had an appointment with are calamities. They produce crap worse than Oh Sung-Moo. That gives you an idea of the disaster. I don't get it, you're the smartest guy on earth, I suppose. But do you really think those jerks could teach you anything?! If you want to go see them, take your gun with you and shoot them in the head. That's all they deserve!!!
- (!!!) ... I'll call them to cancel.
- (flaps hand) No, even that's too much honor.
I thought you were a manhwa specialist too?!!
- Well... more about paranormal phenomena...
Obviously, you know more about it than I do.
- Of course, I'm an author.
And whether you believe it or not, the best artist in Korea.
- (amused) But not the most modest.
- I don't care, come on.
(takes his hand and leads him towards the store)
- (lets go of her hand quickly)
Hey, not here!!!
- !!!
- ... ?!
- What?! (takes his hand again)
- (forces her to let go) Stop.
- ... (understands why) ... It was just... not to embarrass you...
all the guys in here are gonna be all over me, so...
(too disturbed to answer...)
(deeply hurt... takes his hand gently, without squeezing it)
(a look like "don't do that")

The rain begins to fall... first a few drops...
(Mi-Ra and Kang Chul, theme music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pfbxOPOrws)

Mi-Ra bows her head, giving up hope.
Distressed by the terribly sad decision she must make...
... She lets go of Kang Chul's hand... takes two steps back.
Kang Chul, !!, immediately feels a deep uneasiness.
She wants to keep her dignity and smiles painfully, about to cry.
Tetanized with apprehension, he reads on her face her decision...

- Let's face it, Kang Chul... This is going nowhere.
... Thank you for this day, it was a beautiful dream...

She turns and leaves, with a heavy heart...

Kang Chul, !!!, like a stab in the heart!
Mi-Ra, devastated, must leave before she collapses...

Kang Chul catches her, presses himself against her back...
... puts his arms around her, holds her tight.
Mi-Ra, !!!, tortured by a last hope...
... He slides his head into her hair, whispers in her ear.

- It won't work either. I don't have a choice. Do you?

After those two hours together, now...
... they each need proof of sincerity, of what they're willing to sacrifice.
So far, she's fought to maintain her dignity, not to cry...
... in front of the one man she doesn't want to show her low self-esteem to.

Exhausted by emotion, pleading, she surrenders to his embrace...
... lets her head fall back. Her hair invades his face.
Involuntary spasms in her belly and... She bursts into tears!

- boo hoo hoo... I don't understand why...
(gasps awkwardly, voice broken...)
- !! (upset... becomes aware...)
- ... Why do I have this feeling so deep inside me, just for you.
When I didn't want it, when I did everything I could to push it away.
- ... !!! (eyes agape, aghast at the strength of her sincerity)
- It's too immense for me to bear, I'm unable to.
If I had to be separated from you, I'd die without even killing myself.

Kang Chul holds her tighter, as she awakens the same feeling in him...
... but she grabs his arms... so that he crushes her even more against him!

- You kept reminding me that you were married.
As if you didn't care how much it hurt me.
- ... !! (tortured, regretful)
- (softly, gently) So if I hear about her again...
... In silence, I'll come at night and slit her throat in her sleep.

She closes her eyes, face contracted, fearing his answer...
... This is the proof she wants, what he's willing to sacrifice.

~ The Kang Chul I was three days before would have slapped her.

Kang Chul grabs her hand, puts it against his cheek.
The weather is getting cloudy, the rain is falling...

- I won't let anyone come between us.

Mi-Ra directs Kang Chul's hand against her cheek and...

- boo hoo hoo....
(cries harder, tears running down his hand)

... tears of relief, of nervous release, of healed suffering.
Access to an unhoped-for, painful bliss, and the fear that it's impossible.
Out of empathy, Kang Chul feels this, and also breaks down and cries.

- Lord... boo hoo hoo....
(curled up against her, holding her)

The rain becomes a heavy downpour.
They're soaked from head to toe...
... but stay together here, comforting each other.

~ I hadn't found out if we were being manipulated.
I just knew I didn't want it to end, despite the consequences.

She presses her cheek against his, squeezing his hand.

~ We were fragile and alone in the world, surrounded by a creeping doom.

All around us, passers-by hurry to safety...
... or shelter deep under their umbrellas, ignoring them.

~ I felt she was lost in an abyss from which only I could save her.
... And it twisted my guts.

On the bay window of the comic book store...
... inside, visible by transparency due to the store's light:
A poster of the manhwa "Queen of Darkness", the face of Cha Yu-Sun...
... but with her hair loose, identical to Mi-Ra's face.
The rain hitting the bay window gives the impression that she's crying.

~ A merciless destiny had brought us together, along with a terrible promise...
... Then to separate us, after devastating our lives.

Behind, in the store: a poster of the manhwa "W", Kang Chul's face.
Through transparency, it seems glued to Cha-Yu-Sun's face.
The rain pouring down the bay window makes the protagonists of two manhwas weep.

~ It didn't matter if my story with Mi-Ra had a future.
The truth depended not on her but on my sincerity.

Kang Chul looks at the trompe l'oeil effect of the two posters...

~ All desire for Yeon-Joo was gone.
Our separation was close because I refuse to live a lie.

... he smiles ironically... two mythical characters can only live a mythological love.
Of an intensity that adapts to the strength of those who live it, be they men or gods.
And that's why his superhuman willpower is of no help.

~ I'll always be fond of her, and deeply sorry for hurting her so much.
... But to be honest, I didn't feel guilty.

#34. Sung-Moo's House, Exterior view (afternoon).

The rain is falling hard.

#35. Sung-Moo's Bedroom (afternoon).

tic-tlic-tloc... Sad rain beats on the window.

- Aren't you feeling better, Noona?

A tea tray on the table. Hot, steaming.
Yeon-Joo holds a cup of hot tea and takes a sip, then...

- (cries) boo hoo hoo...
- (looks at the ceiling, doesn't know what to do) ... Aaah...

- boo hoo hoo...
- (an idea!) Oh, Hyung Kang will be home soon.
I'm sure he'll find the right words to help you get better.

#36. Comics Store (afternoon).

Kang Chul flips through pages of manhwa at high speed.
He puts the manhwa down, picks up another, and flips through just as fast.

- (impressed) You can read that fast?!
- No, I don't have that kind of superpower.
- (?!) I never saw in your manhwa that you had superpowers!
(teasing) Not even one!
- (arrogantly) Superhuman charm.
Obvious, isn't it? (smiles, winks)
- Moah ah! (mocking) Okay, let's say "ordinary" excellence, simply gifted... willpower, intelligence, intuition, and even charm!!! (pretentious) But if you're talking about REAL superpowers, then you'd better look at my place...

- (examines her seriously) ... (amused) ...
Superhuman charm too, but above all... Super-Boasting!!!
- Tcham!
- (puts down the manhwa)
They all look the same. Nothing I'm looking for.
- Maybe you should try American comics.

Mi-Ra takes Kang Chul's hand, and leads him into another room.

By chance here, the two manhwa-loving high-school girls watch them go...

- It's her, I tell you.
- No, you're mistaken. It's just that bitch from the other day.
- Also! And that nasty bitch is author Moon!!!
- ... It doesn't matter, we've got to make her pay!
- That's what we'll do...
....... (whispers in her ear, we can't hear)
- Ah yes, hi hi hi!!!

#37. Comics Store, American Room (afternoon).

Mi-Ra shows Kang Chul some shelves.

- Look at those, but avoid the new ones.
Fucking insanities coming out of cocksuckers' assholes.
- (can't avoid smiling at her vulgarity)
Ok, dear expert...
- (looks at him derisively, "he takes the opportunity to make fun of me")
Joke too easy... You can be smarter than that...
- ??! (doesn't understand, didn't use innuendo)

Mi-Ra leaves the room smiling, thinks Kang Chul can be incisive and likes it (but she's wrong).

#38. Comics Store (afternoon).

Mi-Ra heads for the "new releases" section.

- Let's see what crap is coming out now...

A short, fat man is reading a manhwa here. We can only see his back.
On the stand, a poster and manhwas from "XYZ". An insect-man with antennae and bulging eyes.

: Awful, stupid, lame. But at the rate bullshit is spreading, I bet some dumb screenwriter could adapt this into a drama some day.

The man laughs as he turns the pages of the manhwa.

- (annoyed) You really like it?!
- Of course, the drawings are good and-- (turns around, !!!)
- (doesn't recognize him)
Korea is short of babies, but please, never make one.
- (can't hear the insult, too admiring)
Author... Author Moon?
: (!!) Aish!!! With this fucking crossover, I'll be a disgrace if anyone recognizes me!

Further into the room, shouting for all the customers to hear...

- Yah!! Isn't that Author Moon over there?
With her boyfriend?!
- No!! Look at the way she's dressed.
It's a prostitute coming here touting for virgins.
- Oh!! So he's not her boyfriend but a customer?!
- !!!! ... (sudden rage)

The customers look at the two girls and Moon Mi-Ra... especially her enticing outfit.

- ... (inhales, calms down, smiles)

The two high-school girls watch Mi-Ra from a distance, she just smiles at Young-Sik.
Too brief and too blurred to see, but... a shadowy halo dissipates between their gazes.

- Now that we're ready for a fight, she doesn't dare do anything...
- What a shame, everyone's looking at her like she's a whore.

Young-Sik walks down a side alley towards the two girls, but indirectly.
Surprised, the girls see Mi-Ra walking slowly towards them...

- Aah!!
- hoo!

... They remember, frightened...

{FLASHBACK INSERT, Ep16 - Coffee Shop (night).}
Mi-Ra turns and meets the student's gaze, like a challenge.
Instinctively, the girl detects a deep malice in Mi-Ra's eyes...
... a confrontation she'd rather avoid.

They regain confidence, seeing that Mi-Ra seems passive, her eyes serene.
Once two steps away, Mi-Ra speaks loudly, so that all the customers can hear...

- Say, girls, don't you think that if there were prostitutes here...
- !!!! (eyes wide, feels something behind her)
- !!!! (eyes wide, feels something behind her)
- (belligerent smile)
... They'd be the first to have a hand up their ass?!

They each have a hand kneading their asses like a ball of modeling clay...
... Young-Sik's hands, behind them, smiling absently, drool dripping from his mouth.

"Ah ah ah!!", "Oh oh oh!!", laughter from customers, all over the store.

- MoAh ah ah ah ah!! (evil villain laughter)
- Asshole!! (PAF!, slaps Young-Sik)
- Pervert!! (KTAK!, kicks Young-Sik)
- Ouch ouch!! (doesn't understand, runs towards the exit)

The two girls chase Young-Sik, beating him.
Mi-Ra follows, and once they're out of the store...
... She spots something, near a garbage can outside.

- FFffffff... (blows a jet of shadow towards the garbage can)

Near the garbage can, a little rat that...
PWROOMF... suddenly becomes a giant rat as big as a dog!!!!

- (shouts to the girls) Yah!!! We don't want vermin here!

They turn around and see the giant rat, !!!!
"AAAAHHHH!!!!" They run away screaming, chased by "RiiKK-IIkk!", the rat!!!

- What's going on here? (behind Mi-Ra, but hasn't seen anything)
- Oh, nothing... the pest control service was just passing by...
- ??!

Mi-Ra notices a book in Kang Chul's hand. On the cover...
... "FRANKEINSTEIN, written by Mary Shelley, illustrated by Bernie Wrightson".

- Are you going to buy it? It's not a comic book.
- I know, but the illustrations are spectacular.
- Oh yes! Exceptional, great art!
Bravo to you for catching it.
- (surprised) Really? Do you like this?
- I know real talent when I see it.
(pretentious) Of course, it's not my level, but it's the next best thing.
- (teasing) Of course...
- Moah ah ah! ("you're getting to know me")

- Ah ah !! ("boastful, but able to laugh at herself, I like it")
- Did you find what you were looking for?
- Alas, no.
- In that case, there's only one department left...

#39. Comics Store, Franco-Belgian Room (afternoon).

Mi-Ra and Kang Chul enter.
Comic books on racks, comical style, big noses.
Posters of famous characters: Asterix, Iznogoud, The Smurfs.

- Do you even know what you're looking for?
(doesn't answer, looks at the shelves)
- (smiling derisively) Of course... ("Kang Chul never answers")

She grabs his chin and turns his head towards her...
... eye to eye, ten centimeters away.

- Maybe... communication is important, to solve problems?

Kang Chul, unsettled... "it could apply to other, more personal areas".

- ("not a woman you can duck")
Just a vague intuition.
- (making a vocalization)
~~ And ~ the ~ mystery ~ will remain ~ whole...
- I just need... something classic.
But with an originality, mmh, how to say... like an anomaly.
- (rummaging through the shelves) A classic, an anomaly...

Mi-Ra, !!, gets her hands on a comic book...
... pulls it off the shelf, but too quickly for us to see.

- (hands the book to Kang Chul, we can only see the edge)
For some, the greatest classic of the Franco-Belgian school.
- (takes the book, looks at the cover)
The drawing seems simplistic... compared to yours.
- Quite an anomaly! But the story is interesting. The author didn't consider himself a great cartoonist, but he worked a lot. One week per page. He worked for 10 years on his last album, but died before finishing it.

Kang Chul, his intuition kicking in, takes a closer look at the cover, a worry...
Close-up of a section of the drawing: a yellow shape, next to a brick-red color.

- I'm looking for something else, in case this book is useless...
(goes to the back of the room)

Kang Chul opens the book (which we can't see), and immediately...

- !!! (surprised, worried)

He turns the pages, more and more anxious, his eyes widening...
... He turns the pages faster and faster... now frightened.

{FLASHBACK INSERT, Ep16 - Mi-Ra's Workshop (night) - On the tablet.}
~ Who are you?
- This correspondent can't answer that question.

He stops looking for a few moments, thinking at high speed...
... tortured by the terrifying discovery he's about to make.

Breathless as he puts the puzzle pieces together in his mind.

: Everything... Everything he said was true... To the word...
The plain, unambiguous truth.

Kang Chul looks at the book again... eyes filled with terror!!!!

{MANHWA INSERT, Ep21 - Avenue (night).}
ยค Oh Sung-Moo annihilated in his car, "I love you my daughter. Farewell". With the word "END".

~ You'll see the nature of this correspondent in "W".

- Agh... I... I got everything wrong...

He puts his hand over his mouth, catastrophized, falling from the sky.
In this book, a lightning inspiration, it's now obvious...
... the essential principle he was unable to understand before.

{RECALL INSERT, Ep31 - Sung-Moo's Living Room (night) - On the tablet.}
- Who are you?
- Nobody.

Kang Chul stares at the book, as if contemplating the enemy's true nature...

~ The truth is hidden.

... An enemy beyond imagination.

- (overwhelmed, overcome by horror)
I would have preferred... the faceless killer.

FLASH, final image: Kang Chul frightened + The correspondent + Mi-Ra smiling tenderly.